Developmental Disabilities Waiver Services in Tulsa.
Serving DDS and DRS Waivers.
Rise Staffing is a Home & Community-Based Provider & Staffing Agency for people with different abilities.
“Inspired by Potential”
Vocational & Pre-Vocational Services for Developmental Disabilities Adults
We match individuals eager to work with employers in their communities. The result is almost always a success! Employers report they get some of their most loyal and hard-working employees, and the individuals we serve get a chance to earn a competitive wage and prove they can get the job done.
“Empowering People With Disabilities For Independent & Fulfilling Living”
Residential Support Services
With so many different ways for individuals to make their lives their own, our program services provide the space for them to get the most out of their homes based on needs, abilities, and interests, and open the door for as much independence and autonomy in their everyday lives as possible.
Employment Services
Attention Employers
In The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce, Lisa Toth tells readers her story of falling in love with a population of people often overlooked and under valued. Toth not only saw value in the differently-abled, but also their potential to bring something society needed to the table. Always one to root for the underdog, she saw a way she could help by identifying the right jobs and find onramps for them to join the workforce. Toth created a staffing agency to do just this – help this gifted group of people find work that they can be proud of and find fufilling.
The book is written in a memoir style, full of stories and lessons learned. Be prepared to be inspired as you learn about the good, the bad and the ugly. Toth shares it all with refreshing honesty, while making a compelling case for embracing diversity and inclusivity for this often underemployed population.

Join our fearless leader, Lisa Toth every weekend on Groovy 105.7 home of the greatest hits of the 60’s & 70’s.
Do you have questions about Developmental Disabilities Waiver Services
Please fill out the form, and we will get back to you soon.
Counties We Serve:
- Tulsa
- Creek
- Osage
- Pawnee
- Rogers
- Washington